Much Ado About Nothing


So the best thing about doing what I do is the feedback I get from the readers.  Often times, their suggestions pushes my challenge line which forces me to think outside of the box.  That said, this week post is all about wearing barely there  garments (aka the nude look).  Even though barely there ensembles may not be everyone’s cup of tea, it’s made enough of a style impact to become a permanent fixture in many closets.  No small wonder given the fact the nude look has roots dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries when the fabric was worn by affluent french women inspired by Marie Antoinette’s portrait in 1783. The best thing about the nude look is that it spans from the subtle to the extreme. For a conservative look, consider a dark blue sheer blouse underneath a fabulous navy blazer or a cute peek-a-boo waist top paired with skinny jeans.  For a more risque presentation, there’s the partial or full length see-through dresses and skirt ensembles. As mentioned in earlier postings, edgy looks is not for the modest or the wall flower so from the moment you put it on be prepared to slay. That way, you won’t be caught off guard if heads turn and tongues wag as a result of your outfit that’s much ado about nothing.

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