Still Tied Up (Curvy girl size on the left)

Got a riddle for you. What’s old but new

whose colors are many but purpose are few.

You can knot it, tie it, and twist it too. 

The answer is … drum roll please…Wait for it…NECKTIES!


Neckties are being worn by stylish women everywhere and although it’s not a new phenom, it is enjoying a resurgence in popularity as seen on runways, fashion blogs, and street styles from sea to shining sea. Neckties is a great way to inject color and sophistication into your wardrobe while maintaining a feminine look.  Stumped on how to tie a particular knot? There are literally all kinds of tutorial on the web that can help a diva out. So, the next time you’re face with the age-old riddle as to what to wear, consider getting all tied up.

 Shop the Look

Theory Tuxedo Button Front Shirt


Pleaser boots

Image result for Vocni Women's Fully Lined 4 Button V-Neck Economy Dressy Suit Vest Waistcoat